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Severe weather events have recently swept across the UAE, unleashing thunderstorms and prolonged rainfall, prompting red alerts from the National Centre of Meteorology. Dubai: This extreme weather has wreaked havoc on numerous construction projects throughout the region, causing extensive flooding and wind damage, and subsequently leading to potential delays in scheduled activities. While the peak of the storms may have subsided, the lingering impact on these projects remains a concern, with ongoing debates about whether contractors or employers should bear the cost of delays and associated financial losses. Contractual Provisions for Weather Impacts In the realm of construction, it's common for contracts to predefine the distribution of risks associated with adverse weather. The FIDIC’s Conditions of Contract are frequently employed, which generally allow contractors extensions due to delays caused by "exceptionally adverse climatic conditions." However, these contracts typically do not provide direct entitlements for financial compensation. For instance, FIDIC's 1999 Red Book Clause 8.4 acknowledges the extension of completion times due to severe weather but does not promise monetary claims. Contrarily, Clause 17.4 mentions that unforeseen "forces of nature" might enable contractors to seek compensation for losses, designated as "Employer’s Risks." In UAE practice, it's not unusual for parties to modify standard agreements or craft bespoke conditions that alter the default risk allocation, potentially reducing a contractor’s claims or omitting them altogether. Legal Perspectives on Force Majeure and Weather Disturbances UAE legislation, including Article 273 of the UAE Civil Code, addresses force majeure events, defining them as occurrences that render contract performance impossible. Typically, this results in the contract's termination—often an impractical resolution for both contractors and employers. Article 249 of the Civil Code also plays a critical role, allowing for contractual adjustments in extreme cases where performance becomes unduly burdensome due to unpredictable, extraordinary events. This provision mandates a fair renegotiation of terms, reflecting the shift in circumstances affecting the general public, which could include severe weather scenarios. Practical Steps and Strategic Considerations Determining whether weather conditions were "exceptional" and "adverse" requires contractors to demonstrate a direct causation for project delays or to trigger specific contractual provisions for monetary recovery. The debate extends to scenarios where projects delayed by the employer coincide with adverse weather, potentially entitling contractors to additional time or compensation. Ultimately, the construction contract is paramount in determining entitlements due to weather impacts. Absent explicit provisions, contractors might invoke Article 249 of the Civil Code under particular conditions. Insurance Claims Insurance is a binding agreement between the insured and the insurance provider to face risks, according to Article 1026 of the Civil Transactions Law. Damages caused by rain to homes and vehicles are covered by most insurance policies in the UAE. However, the ability to claim depends on the wording of your selected insurance policy's coverage and exclusions. This means that if the policy is comprehensive and includes damages from rain and natural disasters, these damages will be covered. Insurance claims for rain-related damages involves understanding the specific coverage offered by different insurance policies. Automobile insurance typically covers rain damage, but the extent of coverage varies, so it's essential to review policy details carefully. In cases of injuries due to rain floods, seeking compensation through insurance claims, particularly with features like personal injury protection (PIP) and medical payments coverage, becomes crucial. Home insurance policies commonly include coverage for rain damage, safeguarding against property losses caused by adverse weather conditions, while car insurance policies often offer comprehensive coverage options against various perils, including rain damage to vehicles. Similarly, renters insurance provides protection for tenants against rain-induced damages to their rental properties, ensuring their interests are secured in unforeseen circumstances. Consulting with insurance professionals can provide clarity on available coverage options and ensure individuals are adequately protected against the financial impacts of rain-related damages. Maximizing Protection To maximize protection against rain-related damages, individuals can adopt the following strategies: Regular Policy Review: Periodically reviewing insurance policies ensures that coverage aligns with current needs and circumstances. Updating policies to reflect changes in property value or lifestyle can help maintain adequate protection. Enhanced Coverage Options: Exploring additional coverage options, such as umbrella insurance or riders for specific perils, can provide supplementary protection against rain-induced damages beyond standard policy limits. Risk Mitigation Measures: Implementing risk mitigation measures, such as proper maintenance of vehicles and property upkeep, reduces the likelihood of rain-related damages and may qualify for premium discounts. Consultation with Insurance Experts: Seeking guidance from insurance professionals enables individuals to gain insights into available coverage options and make informed decisions regarding insurance policies tailored to their unique requirements. Top of Form   In Conclusion As the UAE continues to experience variable and severe weather patterns, understanding the legal landscape and preparing contracts to address these fluctuations is essential. Ensuring clear terms and proactive management can protect against unforeseen disruptions and secure both parties' interests in the volatile climate of construction and development. Individuals can optimize their insurance coverage for rain-related damages, ensuring comprehensive protection against the uncertainties of inclement weather conditions. By leveraging insights into the factors influencing coverage and adopting strategies to maximize protection, individuals can safeguard their interests against the financial repercussions of rain-induced damages effectively. In the ever-changing landscape of insurance, staying informed and proactive is paramount to ensuring peace of mind and financial security in the face of unforeseen events. ALKETBI TOUCH: Our team of professionals is can offer valuable insights into the opportunities and challenges presented by the regulatory landscape. Our guidance not only helps companies mitigate risks but also enhances their reputation and competitiveness in the market. If you request further guidance or you have concerns and queries, Let us know!


In today's digital age, where technology seamlessly intertwines with daily life, the shadow of cybercrime looms larger than ever. Over the past two decades, the proliferation of internet use has given rise to a new era of criminal activity, one that transcends traditional boundaries and poses unique challenges to personal security. Dubai: The repercussions of falling prey to such digital malfeasance can often feel daunting, seemingly irrevocable. Yet, with the right knowledge and tools at your disposal, safeguarding against these threats is within reach. Empower Yourself Against Digital Deception Federal Decree Law No. 34 of 2021, effective since January 2, 2022, introduces a robust legal framework aimed at combating rumors and cybercrimes. This legislation addresses concerns regarding the misuse and abuse of online technologies by enhancing protection against various online offenses. It specifically aims to safeguard government websites and databases, combat the dissemination of rumors and fake news, prevent electronic fraud, and uphold privacy and personal rights. The law delineates offenses and corresponding penalties for individuals who engage in activities such as hacking, attacking, or tampering with government information systems and data, spreading false information detrimental to the UAE's interests and security, and various other cybercrimes. These offenses include creating or modifying robots to disseminate false data, falsifying electronic documents, invading privacy, tampering with medical and financial data, engaging in eBegging, publishing non-compliant media content, promoting illegal activities such as human trafficking, fundraising without proper authorization, blackmailing, defamation, conducting unauthorized statistical surveys, inciting unauthorized demonstrations, offending foreign countries or religions, promoting weapons, explosives, and disseminating misleading consumer information. Here's how you can fortify your defenses against some of the most prevalent cyber threats: 1.      Identity Theft Unveiled: Shielding Your Digital Persona Identity theft, characterized by the covert acquisition of personal data for illicit purposes, presents itself in various forms. From financial fraud to impersonation and unauthorized medical access, the strategies to combat this menace are diverse: ·        Regularly monitor financial transactions to detect discrepancies. ·        Safeguard your social security card, keeping it away from prying eyes. ·        Exercise caution when sharing personal information online, limiting disclosures to trusted sources. ·        Employ unique passwords for each account, incorporating diverse characters for heightened security. ·        Enable two-factor authentication for an additional layer of protection. ·        Maintain vigilance by monitoring credit scores and reviewing reports for indications of fraudulent activity.   2.      Navigating the Phishing Net: A Guide to Digital Vigilance Phishing, a deceptive tactic employed by cybercriminals to obtain sensitive information, thrives on deceit. They lure unsuspecting victims with seemingly legitimate requests or urgent appeals for action. Here are steps to evade falling victim to phishing attempts: ·        Exercise caution when clicking on links from unsolicited emails or messages; opt to access services directly through official websites. ·        Verify the authenticity of any message requesting personal information before divulging any sensitive data.   3.      Ransomware: Breaking Free from Digital Shackles Ransomware, a malicious software that hijacks your data for ransom, is a digital plague. Here’s how to immunize your digital life: ·     Exercise caution with email attachments and links, particularly from unknown sources. ·     Steer clear of dubious websites and advertisements promising free services.   4.      Online Harassment and Bullying: Cultivating a Safe Digital Environment Cyberbullying and harassment can escalate from digital nuisances to serious threats, impacting mental well-being. Protecting yourself involves: ·        Utilizing block and report features on social platforms to counteract harassers. ·        Refraining from sharing sensitive personal information online. ·        Updating and securing your devices with the latest cybersecurity software.   5.      Scam Savvy: Sidestepping Online Fraud The digital marketplace, while brimming with opportunity, is also rife with scams. From phishing expeditions to counterfeit endorsements, here’s how to stay one step ahead: ·        Enable two-factor authentication for an added security layer. ·        Be skeptical of transactions that avoid in-person meetings. ·        Withhold personal details until you’ve thoroughly vetted the other party. ·        Be cautious with financial transfers to unknown individuals.   6.      Cyberterrorism and Cyberwarfare: Defending the Digital Frontline As cyberterrorism seeks to sow chaos through digital means, staying informed and prepared is key: ·        Regularly update your software and devices to patch vulnerabilities. ·        Practice caution with public Wi-Fi networks, which are hotspots for cyber attacks. ·        Backup important data offline to safeguard against loss.   7.      Legal Eagle: Navigate the Cybercrime Landscape with Expertise Confronting cybercrime head-on demands not just technical defenses, but legal knowledge too. In Dubai, where cybercrime laws are stringently applied, the stakes are high. Offenders face hefty penalties, from fines to incarceration, and in severe cases, even harsher sentences.   Given the dynamic landscape of cyber threats, including challenges from hacktivists and organized cybercrime groups, which pose risks to national security and critical information assets, the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) has developed the 'UAE Information Assurance Regulation.' This regulation aims to establish requirements that elevate the minimum level of protection for information assets and supporting systems across all entities within the UAE, fostering a trusted digital environment nationwide. The IA Regulation encompasses both managerial and technical information security controls, empowering entities to establish, implement, maintain, and continuously enhance information assurance measures. TDRA will identify critical entities in alignment with the UAE Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) Policy to enforce the IA Regulation's requirements concerning the use, processing, storage, and transmission of information or data, as well as the associated systems and processes. This encompasses information in physical or electronic form, whether owned, leased, or under the control of the entities. Key features of the IA Regulation include outlining strategies for achieving information assurance at the national, sector, and entity levels, adopting a risk-based approach to implementation, delineating roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, providing a catalogue of common information security controls to mitigate known cyber threats, addressing sector-specific requirements with specialized controls, adopting a phased implementation approach to address prevalent threats incrementally, defining compliance from an information assurance perspective, and facilitating inter-entity and cross-sector communication to enhance information sharing and national situational awareness.   In Conclusion As the digital domain evolves, so too does the landscape of cybercrime. Armed with the right knowledge, tools, and legal advice, you can secure your digital life against the myriad threats that lurk online. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and remember, in the battle against cybercrime, knowledge is your most powerful weapon. Encouraging individuals to adopt best practices is crucial in safeguarding against cyber threats. This includes avoiding public Wi-Fi networks, enabling multi-factor authentication, refraining from password reuse, being cautious of clicking links from unknown sources, and managing personal information visibility on social media. These proactive measures empower individuals to collectively defend against the dynamic challenges posed by cyber threats. ALKETBI TOUCH: If you find yourself challenged with the complex web of cybercrime, consulting with expert attorneys specializing in cyber law is crucial. Via our specialized guidance, we help you understand your rights and the legal avenues available for protection and recourse. ALKETBI team of professionals can offer valuable insights and assist you steadily on all fronts, Let us know!


In the vibrant economic landscape of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), forgery emerges as a shadowy figure against the backdrop of innovation and prosperity. This multifaceted crime, ranging from the falsification of documents to the intricate counterfeiting of artworks, poses significant challenges to both individuals and businesses. As the UAE continues to ascend as a global hub for finance, art, and technology, the sophistication of forgery techniques has evolved, prompting a need for heightened vigilance and advanced preventive measures. Dubai: This article embarks on an exploratory journey into the realm of forgery, uncovering the latest trends in forgery tactics within the UAE, the pivotal role of cutting-edge technology in detection, and robust strategies to fortify against fraudulent endeavors. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of forgery, highlighting the unique aspects of combating this age-old menace in the modern context of the UAE's dynamic landscape. What is forgery? Forgery, is the act of deliberately falsifying items like documents, signatures, or artwork for deception, poses a serious legal threat with substantial penalties. This article delves into the myriad forms of forgery, exploring common forgery tactics, detection methods, and strategies to thwart fraudulent activities. What Constitutes Forgery? At its core, forgery involves producing or altering objects or documents with fraudulent intent. This encompasses a wide range of deceptive practices, from counterfeit currency and art to manipulated legal documents and beyond, all crafted with the goal of personal gain at another's expense. The legal framework surrounding forgery crimes is designed to protect the integrity of documents, transactions, and financial systems in the country. One of the primary legislations dealing with forgery crimes is Federal Law by Decree No. (31) of 2021 (as the “Law”) concerning the Penal Code of the UAE. Distinguishing Features of Forgeries: Article 251 of the Law defines the forgery of documents, which entails altering their authenticity to cause harm and using them as genuine instruments. The article outlines various means of forgery, including modifying existing documents by adding, deleting, or altering content such as writing, numbers, marks, or photographs. It also includes the use of forged signatures, seals, or alterations of genuine ones, as well as obtaining signatures, seals, or thumbprints through deception or without consent. Additionally, the article covers fabricating or counterfeiting documents and falsely attributing them to others, filling blank papers without consent, impersonating, or substituting identities, and altering information in documents meant for truth verification. These actions are considered serious offenses under the law and carry legal consequences. It can be concluded that there are two (2) types of forgery namely, material forgery and moral forgery. A material forgery occurs when a significant change is made to a document by the forger, which can be perceived through the senses, such as sight. This includes additions, deletions, or modifications to an existing original document, as well as the creation of entirely new documents. Such alterations are substantial and noticeable, potentially leading to legal consequences under the law. Whereas, a moral forgery occurs when a forger manipulates the meaning, content, or circumstances of a document without altering its material or form. This includes editing articles or statements not made by the contractual parties, such as impersonating someone else in a contract or making false statements about a person contrary to what was said. An example is falsely claiming that someone received bribes or money when they did not. Such manipulations distort the truth and can have serious legal ramifications.   Exploring Forgery Methods Forgery tactics vary with the item being falsified. Here are some prevalent forms: ·        Document Forgery This form involves creating or modifying documents to commit fraud. Targets range from personal ID and financial documents to legal contracts, employing methods like counterfeiting, alteration, and signature forgery. ·        Signature Forgery Here, the forger replicates someone’s signature to unauthorizedly access funds or falsify document authenticity, often targeting checks and legal documents. ·        Counterfeiting Creating replicas of valuable items, especially money and luxury goods, to deceive consumers and businesses is a widespread issue, challenged by sophisticated security measures and advanced printing technology. ·        Art Forgery Art forgers produce works mimicking famous artists, deceiving collectors and experts alike. This requires deep knowledge of the original artist’s techniques and materials. ·        Digital Media Forgery With technological advancements, falsifying digital content, including videos, photos, and documents, has become more sophisticated. Techniques like deepfakes and photoshopping manipulate reality for deceptive purposes. Legal Repercussions of Forgery Articles 246 until 259 of the Law state that the law imposes stringent penalties for counterfeiting or illicitly employing official seals, signatures, stamps, or marks. Offenders face severe consequences, including temporary imprisonment lasting no less than five years for counterfeiters and those knowingly utilizing counterfeit items. Legal entities engaged in such transgressions may be subject to incarceration. Moreover, the unauthorized use of official seals or stamps, resulting in harm to public or private interests, carries the penalty of temporary imprisonment. Counterfeiting metal plates or marks issued by governmental bodies may result in incarceration for up to one year or a fine. Similarly, manufacturing, distributing, or vending printed materials resembling government marks or stamps could lead to a penalty of temporary imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or a fine of up to 10,000 AED. Furthermore, Forgery of official documents carries a penalty of imprisonment for a maximum of ten years, while forgery of non-official documents results in incarceration. If a forged copy of an official document is used or knowingly utilized, the penalty is imprisonment for up to five years; for unofficial document copies, the penalty is incarceration. An official document is one prepared or influenced by a public servant or entrusted person, while all others are non-official. Physicians or midwives who knowingly issue false certificates or statements face imprisonment for up to five years. Providing false statements during investigations related to death, inheritance, or bequest may lead to imprisonment for up to two years or a fine. Similarly, providing incorrect personal information in judicial or administrative investigations incurs imprisonment for up to two years or a fine. Those who knowingly use forged documents face penalties, as do those who unlawfully use genuine documents in another's name. These provisions do not apply to forgery cases specified in special penal laws. In Conclusion Forgery not only undermines trust in financial and legal systems but also inflicts significant personal and societal harm. Awareness, advanced detection methods, and stringent preventive measures are essential in combating this pervasive issue. Recognizing the signs of forgery and understanding how to protect against it are critical steps for individuals and organizations alike in safeguarding their assets and integrity. The UAE has been proactive in its efforts to combat financial crimes, including forgery, through the establishment of robust legal frameworks, stringent penalties for offenders, and the implementation of advanced technological solutions for detection and prevention. The country's approach typically involves a combination of law enforcement activities, financial monitoring, digital security measures, and public awareness campaigns.  ALKETBI TOUCH: Our team of professionals is expert in filing criminal complaints directly related to forgery and can accompany you from the time the complaint is structure, till the expert is appointed and the forensic test are made. If you or your company are victims of embezzlement, theft, and breach of trust due to some forged documents or signatures or any suspicion of using your identity in a misplaced manner, you have come to the right place. We are ready to waive your concerns in the most effective legal strategy. Let us know!

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